How to Protect Your Computer From Malware (Part 2)

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What Next?
We have covered the basics of how to get started with protecting your computer from malware. This second part will help you level up and make sure that you don't just stay updated and fix any vulnerabilities in your computer; it will teach you how to put in a security system that will help detect these things and prevent them from being installed into your computer.
Installing an Anti-Virus Software
Viruses come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, so it is important that you have something to help you identify these. You will find a good number of free Anti-Virus Software that you can download online. These are easy to put in and most will have guides to help you with the process. You need to make sure that you install just one kind (it will be enough to protect your system). Contrary to what others think, putting in more than one anti-virus software will not give your computer added protection; it may actually compromise the safety of the system and prevent the detection of these viruses. In more severe cases the entire operating system may have to be reinstalled.
Installing an Anti-Malware Software
Since Malware is not limited to just viruses, you need to put in extra protection. Spyware, Trojan horses, rootkits, adware and keyloggers can all easily get in. Again, you will be able to find a good amount of free malware software that you can download for free online. In the same way as anti-virus software, these are easy to install and you only need to put in one kind to safeguard your computer.
Putting in a Firewall
Your computer is a like a home that needs fence around it to keep all the bad things out. A firewall acts like a barrier to make sure that malware and hackers cannot get through when you connect to the internet. Basically it works by filtering the connections and allowing safe ones from trusted sources to push through while blocking out harmful ones. Some computers come with hardware firewalls built into the routers. If you do not have one of these you can install a software firewall. In fact you can use this even if you do have a hardware firewall, but make sure you only put in one software firewall. Like all the other software you will be able to get free downloadable firewall software online.
Staying Away From Malicious Sites
Lastly, aside from making sure that your computer is equipped with software to keep out malware, you also have to avoid websites that may contain these. If you have trouble telling malicious sites from legitimate ones, a Site Advisor can be installed to help warn you when you are about to open a potential attack site. You can also use Google Crome (Google's new internet browser) which stops you from going to sites that have malware installed or have been malware infected.
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